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Board Vacancies


The vacancies to be filled by election of the freeholders of the CordrySweetwater Conservancy District are: Area 3, Matt Petersen, and Area 7, Ted Adolay. A
nominee to be elected to represent an area must own land within the area and must be qualified
by knowledge and experience in matters pertaining to the development of the District.
Nominations must be in writing and signed by at least five (5) freeholders owning land
within the area from which the nominee seeks election. Nominations must be received either by
delivery or mail at the District Office, 8377 Cordry Drive, Nineveh, Indiana 46164, prior to
December 1, 2022.
The nominee elected to represent Area 3 shall serve a four (4) year term expiring on the
date of the District’s annual meeting in January 2027. The nominee elected to represent Area 7
shall serve a four (4) year term expiring on the date of the District’s annual meeting in January
If more than one freeholder is nominated to represent an Area, an election will occur
at the District’s annual meeting. If one freeholder is nominated to represent an Area, that
freeholder will be deemed to have been elected. If no freeholder is nominated to represent
an Area, the vacancy will be filled by the Board of Directors of the Cordry-Sweetwater
Conservancy District.
The date, time and location of the annual meeting will be given by public
notice, advertised no more than thirty-one (31) days nor less than fourteen (14) days prior to the
date of the 2023 annual meeting.

Here is the link to the candidacy application : Declaration of Candidacy